User talk:Defending champions DK defeat LSB 2:0

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In the opening match of the LCK Challengers League 2023 (LCK CL) Summer at WDG Esports Studio on Friday, defending champions DePlus Kia swept Live Sandbox 2:0. The team was still strong, 성인웹툰 especially Lucid, who dominated the POG with Sejuani and Kajix.

In game one, Reveal Sandbox got off to a good start, with Nico on 'Guti' picking up a kill at level six against Jace on 'Fulvae', and Diego on 'Vincenzo' scoring on the bottom with a good gank. However, DePlus Guido 'Lucid' Sejuani caught 'Guti' Nico in the mid lane, giving up the messenger and gaining two stacks of dragons.

A skirmish ensued, with Reeve Sandbox unleashing a Herald in the mid lane, but DePlus Kia was able to push their opponent away and take the win. After a brief lull in the action, the battle resumed in the mid lane, with Vincenzo's Diego biting down on Rachel's Lucian, and DePlus Kia countered with Lucian surviving to take down his opponent. DePlus Kia then took the Baron, rolled the snowball safely to the Dragon Soul, 일본야동 and destroyed Reve Sandbox's nexus in 29 minutes.

Game two started a little more cautiously than game one. Both teams focused on safe farming rather than engaging, and the first kill came after eight minutes in a bottom two-for-two fight. At the same time, there was also a battle going on in front of the Herald, with the upper body fight also going in favor of Live Sandbox.

However, Kha'Zix on Lucid capitalized on the break in the engagement and immediately hunted down the messenger again. The kills were more in favor of Live Sandbox, but the operational advantage went to DePlus Kia, and after cutting Nami from the fight and draining much of Vincenzo's Ellis' health, DePlus Kia boldly attempted a baron hunt, 한국야동 taking out many of Live Sandbox's champions that came to stop them and closing out the game 2-0.