User:Bacta SR Exchange provides industry perspective on safer gambling

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Real People: Real Insights is the theme adopted by UK trade association bacta, to preview its free to attend Social Responsibility (SR) Exchange which is taking place 31 October in Birmingham (UK).

The Exchange, part of bacta’s comprehensive programme of SR commitments, has been created to provide the industry’s consumer-facing staff with practical guidance on how to deliver a safer gambling experience.

Drawing on the lived experience of individuals working in the land-based sector the open forum provides an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences of engaging with machine players who may be in need of a Customer Interaction and includes practical methods on how to calm players who may have become agitated and how to manage anyone who is in breach of a self-exclusion request.

Bacta chief executive, John White, said: “We are very aware of the need to complement the academic work on safer gambling. To meet this need the SR Exchange provides ‘Real Insights delivered by Real People’ and has been designed to provide those attending with a tool kit of practical measures that they can share with colleagues and continue the industry’s outstanding commitment to safer gambling.”

The SR Exchange is the first of four bacta initiatives which reflect the UK land-based sector’s commitment to deliver safe, responsible and enjoyable gambling entertainment. It precedes Safer Gambling Week (13 – 19 November) which is supported by bacta alongside the Betting and Gaming Council, the Lotteries Council and the Bingo Association, the bacta National Convention (22 November) which has SR at its core and the bacta organsied Safer Gambling Hub, the industry-acclaimed initiative which occupies a prominent position on the EAG show floor (16 – 18 February, ExCeL, London).
